One of my favortite quotes from Dumb and Dumber,
Harry: I can't believe we drove around all day, and there is not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!
Lloyd: Yeah! Unless you want to work forty hours a week!
This has been the story of my life until this past July when I entered into the adult world and now am working as an administrative assistant forty hours a week. Throughout college I was a server working pretty much when convient, taking month breaks off-no big deal. When we moved to Houston I found myself easily juggling a few different part time jobs where the desired hours were determined by me. If I wanted a day off, no problem. If I wanted to go on vacation for a few weeks, I didn't even have to get permission and there was never a probationary period. Now, I am stuck. Although I am glad to have a steady paycheck every two weeks, I feel trapped inside my office sitting behind a desk with A LOT of freetime. I complain to Peter all the time, "I am so BORED!!! I can't do this anymore!!!" He reminds me that this is really my only complaint, that I am just bored, that is all. "I am sure the majority of workers today would prefer being bored over being busy, and stressed" he has often reminded me. Yes this is true, I have issues. It has been almost three months and I am sick of constantly looking at annoying status updates on facebook that consist of long hashtags and instagram photos of food and and wishing I could have the things I pin on pinterest, maybe in fifteen years when Peter will be done. So blogging is my next option to help pass the time when I have nothing to do. Hopefully my next post will not be in a year.
Peter and Abby in Houston
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Saturday, October 8, 2011
25th Birthday in San Antonio!!!
Peter surprised me and took me to San Antonio for my birthday. I had never been there so I didn't know what to expect. Turns out I love it. It is a beautiful, historic place.
The Menger Hotel was where we stayed. It is the oldest hotel in San Antonio, 151 years old. We kind of felt like we were staying at the Tower of Terror at Disneyland. We had a balcony view of the park.
The River Walk
Basically there is a river that runs through downtown San Antonio. It is sweet. There are shops and restaurants all along the river.
For my birthday dinner we ate on The River Walk. It was so good. I got coconut shrimp(they were huge) and Peter got quail(sounds gross but it was actually good)

We went to the Alamo. It was across the street from our hotel right in the center of downtown.
These ladies are the Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Thursday, September 8, 2011
If you don't have any money, go to an Astros game
tickets= $2 per person
Soda= free if you sign up to be a designated driver
Hot dog= $5
Seats= best in the house (no one goes to these games so you can sit where you want)
Friends= Chris and Rachel Ricks and Brady and Jane Heaps
Air conditioning= present and much needed
All of this = one cheap, full of fun night
The Move
One family reunion, cousin Joe's baptism, cousin David's farewell, staying in Santa Fe, battery dying in Amarillo, staying in Childress(literally the middle of no where), driving past at least ten towns that look exactly like Dillon, Texas (from Friday Night Lights), dairy queen ice cream, nasty enchiladas with nacho cheese on them, staying in Dallas with cousin Jackie and Anson, dealing with 115 degree weather...We finally made it to HOUSTON!!!!!!
Only to find...
110 degree weather with 90% humidity(locals say its been the hottest they have ever encountered), Parque Del Oro(our apt complex, a huge city that is very diverse (Peter and I, both being blonde and white, stick out like a sour thumb in most places), Blue Bell ice cream(seriously the very best but I am sure it is the most fattening ice-cream out there), confusing roads (I think we would literally be dead if we did not have a GPS), flat land (the buildings tell me what direction I am going rather than the mountains), good friends(there are twelve first year med students from BYU at UT), The Houston Texans stadium(just a few blocks away), HEB grocery store(it is amazing), and much more to come.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Christmas in P-town
Having our first Christmas tree ( fake five-footer)
ABC family 12 Days of Christmas
Christmas Shopping
Red Iguana with the Family
Having G-ma Boyle here
Temple Square lights
Ward Christmas Party
The Nativity
Christmas Eve at the Kings
Leopard Pajamas
Food, Food, and more Food
Five pounds gained from the food
Football ( mostly Peter)
Being grateful for the amazing gifts we received
It's A Wonderful Life (Abby)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (Peter)
Having the watch the Last Airbender with Carson
Thanksgiving with the Fuller Fam
Thanksgiving with the Fuller Family
The sister missionary dinner
Perfect WEATHER!!!!
Baja Fish tacos
Wahoo fish tacos
Watching Hook 5 times with Jake
Black Friday shopping with Brooke and Diana (Everything 50% off at Gap!!)
Turkey Bowl (strictly Peter)
Going to the Holocaust Museum in LA
Eating a Maggianos
6/10 adults getting food poisoned from Maggianos
Getting stuck in Cedar City over night on our way to Provo
Peter and I really had such a good time and can't wait to go back again!
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